Zirui's Homepage
About me
I’m Zirui “Ray” Liu, an assistant professor from the Department of Computer Science at UMN. Previously I graduated from Computer Science at Rice University, co-advised by Dr. Xia “Ben” Hu and Prof. Vladimir Braverman.
I am mostly interested in Large Language Models and their applications, focusing on enabling them to combine and process information from diverse sources and domains. For that reason I deeply care about efficiency, reasoning, long-context ability, and understanding their inner working mechanism. I also enjoy extending foundation models to other domains, exploring the interplay between different source of data.
📧📧 Recruiting 2025 Fall Ph.D. students and interns: I am always looking for self-motivated students with strong coding skills. Feel free to drop me a line to ziruiliu dot recruit at gmail dot com together with resume, transcripts, and a short description of why you’d like to work with me.
KVCache Compression Benchmark accepted at EMNLP24. If you want to know the research landspace of this area, take a look at the paper and code.
Introduced a rare disease question-answering (ReDis-QA) dataset to assess the chatbot ability of diagnosing rare diseases.
🔥🔥 Our KIVI largely inspires the KV Cache quantization system in Huggingface. Code is available here; And our Self-Extend is used in Llama.cpp, implemented by KerasNLP, and highlighted during Google I/O session. Code is available here.
Our KIVI, Self-Extend, and Compress-then-prompt are accepted by ICML 2024. Self-Extend has been selected as Spotlight (3.5%) at ICML2024!
Our Memory-Efficient LLM fine-tuning work is covered by Rice CS New.
Three paper accepted to Neurips 2023.
Two paper accepted to TMLR.
Twos papers accepted to ICML 2023.
One paper accepted to MLSys 2023.
Two papers accepted to Neurips 2022, DreamShard and GNN Benchmark (Benchmark track).
Please refer to publications or Google Scholar.